Destination: New Zealand
Viewing New Zealand
Viewing New Zealand
Time Line
Peace & Quiet
Famous People

Time and Place
New Zealand lies in the temperate belt of the South Pacific Ocean; the 45th parallel (halfway between the Equator and the South Pole) passes through the South Island. In longitude it is almost exactly opposite the United Kingdom. Standard time is 12 hours ahead of GMT; from mid-October until late March daylight-saving advances the time one hour.

New Zealand's Features


The total area of New Zealand is 270,000sq km, of which two major islands, the North and South Islands, just 25km apart, comprise 98 percent. Although the South Island is a third larger than the North, the North claims three-quarters of the population - including the largest city, Auckland, with one million people, and the capital of Wellington. The South Island's leading city is Christchurch.

Stewart Island, 27km south of South Island, is the third largest land-mass, covering about 1,700sq km.

No part of New Zealand is further than 130km from the sea. The coastline, 5,650km long, includes many islands, harbors and estuaries.

The Climate

Summer lasts from December to February and fine autumn weather usually lasts through to May. During the winter months of June to August there is more rain in much of the country and snow falls in the high country of both the North and South Islands.

The People

The total population is 3.8 million, nearly 80 percent of which is of European descent - mainly from Britain. The indigenous Polynesian people, known as Maori, comprise 15 percent. Other South Pacific peoples and Asians make up most of the balance. Over 80 percent of the population are urban dwellers.

New Zealand
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  Practical Matters
